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100+ events

The Memory Guardians

Show depot - Bastion Königin Since 2022, a special statue has been in the citadel's display depot: the sculpture of a squatting African woman from the 1920s – without a head. The expressionistically exaggerated and racially interpreted statue (created... moreabout: The Memory Guardians

After Images

The upcoming group exhibition “After Images” at JSF Berlin proposes a recalibration of our relationship to contemporary image culture. The exhibition departs from the image-based practices like film and video for which the Julia Stoschek Foundation is... moreabout: After Images

Orangerie der Fürsorge (Orangery of Care)

House plants are entangled in the colonial history of botanical gardens and the destruction of habitats, but also in privatized practices of life preservation. On the one hand, they act as status symbols and fetish, on the other as cues to reflect on... moreabout: Orangerie der Fürsorge (Orangery of Care)

Prinzip Held*: Of Heroizations and Heroisms

Alexander the Great, the Chinese physician Li Wenliang, Antigone and Greta Thunberg had anything to do with one another. And yet: They were or still are considered heroes or heroines in their time, in their countries, societies and even beyond. What makes... moreabout: Prinzip Held*: Of Heroizations and Heroisms

Jewel of the Schinkel period

Frederick William III had Prussia's "star architect" Karl Friedrich Schinkel build him the two-storey summer house in the immediate vicinity of Charlottenburg Palace. After the king's death in 1840, the pavilion was no longer occupied. Parts of the house... moreabout: Jewel of the Schinkel period

Mulberry town

Silk is considered magnificent, exquisite and desirable - a myth that spans cultures and times. The legendary silk thread is produced from the cocoons of the Bombyx mori caterpillar, which eats the leaves of the mulberry tree. The cocoons are boiled,... moreabout: Mulberry town

Display collection of the Berlin Museum of Musical Instruments

The »Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin« collects instruments of the European classical music tradition from the 16th to the 21th century. At this time the museum owns nearly 3.500 instruments, many of which are playable. moreabout: Display collection of the Berlin Museum of Musical Instruments

Pills and pipettes

The exhibition "Pills and Pipettes" explains the processes involved in the production of chemicals and medicines, as well as the properties and effects that these substances exert. Medicines help the body regulate chemical and hormonal processes. Their... moreabout: Pills and pipettes

Textile Technology

Textile technology has been around since our earliest ancestors transported food in woven containers. Our exhibition shows the diversity of textile fabrics, which have very different functions in our lives. Let yourself be impressed by the human inventiveness! The... moreabout: Textile Technology

99 x Neukölln

The permanent exhibition of the Museum Neukölln on the former estate Britz focuses on 99 original objects of the collection. Based on these material contemporary witnesses, visitors can learn about fundamental aspects of the history and present of the... moreabout: 99 x Neukölln

Sites of Unity

In 1989, people fought for freedom at these sites, reunification was achieved in 1990 and German unity has been realised ever since. Listen online and on the go to how the division of Germany became history and the Republic changed. Enjoy listening and... moreabout: Sites of Unity

The representative living culture of the Gründerzeit

Since 1989, Schloss Britz has been showing a permanent exhibition on the living culture of the Wilhelminian period in five rooms of the left wing of the building. The original furniture and decorations vividly convey to visitors the living and lifestyle... moreabout: The representative living culture of the Gründerzeit

Solidarity Berlin - wish or reality?

The new open-air exhibition of the Berlin State Agency for Civic Education is dedicated to the theme of solidarity. moreabout: Solidarity Berlin - wish or reality?

Sculpture Hall: History of the place

Experience the original sculptures of the historic palace façade up close. moreabout: Sculpture Hall: History of the place

Antike Bildgeschichten in 3D

Meeting point: Besucherinformation Pergamonmuseum. Das Panorama Price: €10.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Antike Bildgeschichten in 3D

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