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A storm rages off the coast of Crete, forcing King Idomeneo, who is returning from the Trojan War, to make an ill-fated promise to Neptune: if the enraged god lets him reach land safely, he will sacrifice... more


Like a call issuing from a mythical distant past, Richard Strauss’ »Elektra« summons the magic of eerie gloom and archaic brutality. more

Il barbiere di Siviglia

The wealthy Count Almaviva, disguised as a student named »Lindoro«, has won the heart of the beautiful Rosina. Unfortunately, Rosina’s jealous guardian Dr Bartolo wishes to marry his ward himself and so... more

Die Frau ohne Schatten

Hofmannsthal wrote to Strauss in 1911 that the new opera was to ZAUBERFLÖTE as the ROSENKAVALIER was to FIGARO. And indeed, much in this work is reminiscent of Mozart's "grand opera": the encounter between... more


Claus Guth banishes all orientalism and looks at his title heroine with a dissecting, psychoanalytical eye. more


Princess Turandot does not want to be anyone’s bride. And she is willing to do anything to protect her independence. Her strategy so far for ridding herself of burdensome suitors has been this: anyone... more

Lucia di Lammermoor

A historicised staging forms the backdrop for Lucia's tragedy, which is negotiated as a pledge of military alliances. Her heart belongs to Edgardo, the mortal enemy of her brother Enrico, who has other... more


The Deutsche Oper Berlin presents this new production of the famous Verdi opera. more

Il trovatore

Azucena had to witness her mother being burned as a witch. In revenge, she kidnapped the younger of the two sons of the old Count di Luna, who ordered her mother’s burning, but in her delirium she threw... more

Opera Lounge

After a forced intermission of five years, the time has finally come again: the foyer of the Deutsche Oper Berlin with its iconic Sixties architecture will be transformed into a club for the Opera Lounge.... more

The Cunning Little Vixen

This cheerful, melancholy work about a cunning vixen is not called a "Czech Midsummer Night's Dream" for nothing. The figures of the animal and human worlds are closely interwoven here to create an allegory... more

Les pêcheurs de perles

Set in a faraway island paradise, Georges Bizet tells the story of a love triangle complicated by true friendship. Zurga and Nadir are old friends, but in the past they were nearly driven apart by their... more

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