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Virtual S*Exploration

Virtual Sexploration

"Sex - clear! Simple. Right? Or maybe not...Surrounding this topic, there are many possible questions and often only a few places to go to find answers.Virtual S*Exploration provides a safe and engaging platform for individuals aged 14 and up to explore impulses and perspectives on sexuality and identity. The project, The project, which was guided in its creation by a sex educator, offers knowledge on practice, but also insights on topics like shame, shyness, societal norms, consensus, and self-awareness.Utilizing technologies like virtual reality glasses, AI engines like Dall-E and ChatGPT, as well as mp3 players and pen/paper, participants embark on a journey through three distinct stations. They have the freedom to choose which topics they wish to explore. Through self-reflection, participants create a personal letter to their body and craft a unique meme to take with them."

---Jakob*&Schleiff, a collaboration between music performer Jakob* and contemporary puppeteer/magician Christo Schleiff, specializes in developing digital content for young audiences focused on sexuality and identity. Their mission is to empower young audiences, fostering empathy and critical thinking through visual, participative methods, all underpinned by an intersectional perspective. Their collaborative projects also include the deconstruction of the opera "Flöten-Zauber" (from "Die Schlangenknaben") and the racism-critical magic show "MagicLeaks", set to premiere in January 2024 at Schaubude.

Artists/Collaborators: Gonzalao Barahona (3D-Grafik), Jones Seitz, Iana Boitcova (Lichtdesign), Christo Schleiff, Jakob* (Künstlerische Leitung), Ludwig Meckel (Bühnenbau), Daniela Thörner (Sexualpädagogische Beratung), Stefano Trambusti (Creative Coding), Jonas Urbat (Sound)

The production was funded by the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg and supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR and co-produced with FELD - Theater for Young Audiences. The showing of the performances are funded by the KiA-program of Bezirksamt Pankow.

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