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Portrait performance









Just stay composed.

Stretched out between two places, two societies, two force fields, connected with friends, languages, sounds, affection across half the globe – on good days the ego levitates. On bad days, the burden of the situation and the coldness of the surrounding society are unbearable.

Just stay composed. Do not pose. Just stay composed.

TRVΛNIΛ is a poet and performer. Spoken word, poetry, song, dance, performance, Creole, English and German- she moves with ease between these artistic disciplines. Transitions seem to be her specialty, as is the performative confrontation with the audience. TTRVΛNIΛ uses everything to open up the space in order to give meaning to well-being. Everyday struggles become visible and audible here ‒ which is essential if we want to preserve our mental and physical health!

While we coin you to the backdrop


Catch us overlook you like an empty bus stop


We are taking your system to the chop shop

TRVΛNIΛ first appeared at Ballhaus Naunynstraße as a performer and dancer at Permanente Beunruhigung – an international performance festival in fall 2018. In May 2019, she was responsible for the music for the performance Becoming My Body by Bishop Black; in September 2019, her piece Inneres Wachstum was shown as part of the kaleidoscopic performance evening An Object is an Object is What? She is also co-founder, with Kondo Heller and Candice Nembhard, of Poet & Prophetess, an international and multidisciplinary collective that aims to redefine the boundaries of poetry by combining it with theater, film, live sound and radio.

With the PORTRAIT series, in which artists present themselves and their work, Ballhaus Naunynstraße breaks with the usual mode of production. Artists are not cast because of a role profile. PORTRAIT offers a space for them to show themselves, their talents, their art and the things that really matter to them. PORTRAIT is an invitation to the audience to meet artists and to experience the complexity of their art.


+++ Bags (larger than DIN A5) and jackets must be handed out at the cloakroom +++

Artists/Collaborators: TRVΛNIΛ . (Regie), Selda Hamdemir (Produktionsleitung), Lerato Shadi (Dramaturgie), Chandrika Yogarajah (Regiemitarbeit), Zé de Paiva (Video), TRVΛNIΛ TRVΛNIΛ (Autor/in), TRVΛNIΛ .

Produced by Kultursprünge at Ballhaus Naunynstraße gemeinnützige GmbH. The initial production was funded by the project funding of the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.

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