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As the first symphony orchestra, the Konzerthausorchester Berlin started an interactive livestream series on the gaming platform twitch in April 2021.The monthly two-hour livestreams are called „Spielzeit" and had 1.34 million views so far. For an average of 3.000 viewers, members of the Konzerthausorchester Berlin play music, explain their instruments and offer glimpses into their professional daily life.

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Musiker*innen des Konzerthausorchesters Berlin live auf twitch

As the first symphony orchestra, the Konzerthausorchester Berlin started an interactive livestream series on the gaming platform twitch in April 2021.The monthly two-hour livestreams are called „Spielzeit" and had 1.34 million views so far. For an average of 3.000 viewers, members of the Konzerthausorchester Berlin play music, explain their instruments and offer glimpses into their professional daily life.

Artists/Collaborators: Mitglieder des Konzerthausorchesters Berlin, Micha Häußermann (Moderation)

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Next date:
Berlin Brunch mit Überraschung
Saturday, 22/March/2025 10:00 (103 more dates)
Panoramastraße 1A, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
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Next date:
Saturday, 22/March/2025 19:00
Technische Hochschule Wildau Saal 17
Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau
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