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[mysterious music playing]

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[mysterious music playing]

a cinematic sound performance

Vinyl-terror & -horror – Vinyl-terror & -horror

Vinyl-terror & -horror – Vinyl-terror & -horror

[mysterious music playing] is a spectacular mixture of live sound performance, cinema, and kinetic sculpture:The artist duo Vinyl-terror & -horror, consisting of Camilla Sørensen and Greta Christensen, works at the intersection of sound and visual art. The duo is known for their captivating turntable concerts and immersive, humorous, post-apocalyptic sound installations.[mysterious music playing] is a playful homage to the art of analogue film sound creation. The narrative core of Vinyl-terror & -horror's sound performance is a collage of found film clips with subtitles for the hearing impaired describing various sounds, moods or specific actions. Removed from their original cinematic context, the film stills are reassembled into an open-ended narrative with eerie undertones. These filmic montages are accompanied by a live turntable soundtrack and mechanical "Foley" sculptures that interpret the sounds described in the subtitles in a dialectical and humorous way.The performance plays with the way we automatically construct meanings and contexts from narrative 'cues', exploring the narrative possibilities and limitations of image, text and music.

---The artist duo Vinyl-terror & -horror (Camilla Sørensen & Greta Christensen) works at the interface of sound art and visual art. Vinyl-terror & -horror is a collaboration between Camilla Sørensen (born 1978) and Greta Christensen (born 1977) that has existed since 2001. Vinyl-terror & -horror works at the intersection of visual art and music. Their practice is diverse and includes sculptural installations for museums and public art commissions, turntable performances at music and sound art festivals worldwide and compositional work for new music ensembles.

Alternative events

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Next date:
Sound Gathering for Woman
Friday, 05/July/2024 18:00
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 12, 10179 Berlin-Mitte
from €51.75

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Faszination Polarlichter
Friday, 05/July/2024 18:00
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Mühlenweg, 15232 Frankfurt (Oder)
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