Current language: English

Infinite expanses

  • Die Milchstraße, unsere Heimatgalaxie, von außen betrachtet.

    – Die Milchstraße, unsere Heimatgalaxie, von außen betrachtet.

  • Gravitation eines Schwarzen Lochs zieht Stern an.

    – Gravitation eines Schwarzen Lochs zieht Stern an.

Live in German

Experience the beginning of our universe 13.7 billion years ago and watch how structures, stars and galaxies are formed. The universe is very dynamic: stars live and die, galaxies are born, collide with others and merge - a constant becoming and passing. From these infinite expanses we fly back to the Milky Way, to our solar system and to our unique planet Earth - and now see the starry sky with different eyes.



Price info: (School classes: 4 € per person, 2 accompanying persons receive free admission)

Price: €9.50

Reduced price: €7.50


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