Current language: English

Give raw material!

The open-air raw materials quiz

Did you love studying the maps of natural resources in your school atlas and get goosebumps when you hear the word "commodity futures exchange"? Or did you convert your shared flat to a circular economy ten years ago and have been to the repair café with your cell phone more often than to the dentist with your teeth in the last twenty years? That's great! Then you're perfect for this edition of Future Questions, the great quiz fun at Futurium, which is all about our planet's raw materials and their future.

Even if you don't even know what a commodity futures exchange is, our quiz masters Tom and Darren welcome you. As always, they'll provide you with some food for thought on the topic, but above all with lots of questions, sound and picture puzzles that you'll only have to dig to the surface to solve and only here and there in the deeper layers of your general knowledge. Moreover, the game is not played alone, but in teams of up to six people. Are you coming alone? Then we'll find a few players for you! With concentrated swarm intelligence, a healthy gut feeling and a bit of luck, your quiz evening at Futurium might even be golden.


->Event location: forecourt->Admission: free of charge->Registration is required. Remaining tickets are available at the box office.->Event language: German


->We leave seats free if you want to sit close to the stage due to visual impairments.->We are a wheelchair accessible venue.->Seats without seating are available for wheelchair users.->The event is aimed at interested parties aged 16 and over.->Participation requirements: no prior knowledge required. Drinks and food can be purchased.

The future is for everyone! The Futurium wants to be accessible to everyone. If you have any other access needs, please let us know. We will try to fulfill them:

Here you can find all information about accessibility.


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Meeting point: Futurium forecourt


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