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Vom Städtchen zur Waldsiedlung

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Public transportation

From the small town to the forest settlement

By bike from Pankow to Wandlitz

On the 62nd anniversary of the building of the Wall, we will try to get to the bottom of the phenomenon of the Wall in the 20th century during a day trip: First the GDR elites wall themselves in, then the whole nation....

After the Second World War, a restricted area for political functionaries and their families was built around Pankow's Mayakowskiring. In the Federal Republic, the name of the "little town" in Pankow becomes synonymous with East Germany. At the end of the 1950s, a settlement for the families of the protagonists of the GDR dictatorship, the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz, was built in Bernauer Forst. Strictly shielded by the Stasi, many legends about life behind the Wall were created.

The approximately 25 kilometer long tour builds a bridge between these two places. It begins at Schönhausen Palace, from 1949 to 1960 the seat of the president of the GDR, Wilhelm Pieck. On the way from Pankow to Wandlitz, the route leads along the Majakowskiring past Buch Castle Park and the architectural monument Bundesschule Bernau. Afterwards we reach the former forest settlement on exclusively safe cycle paths. At the intermediate stops Hans-Michael Schulze and Björn Ahlhelm inform in each case about the history and the connections.Supply breaks are naturally planned. The return journey can take place independently from the station in Wandlitz with the regional train or it goes again with the wheel back to Bernau to the suburban train station. Food and drinks on the way are not included. We are equipped for minor repairs along the way.Translated with DeepL

Price: €20.00

Booking: Due to the limited number of participants we ask for registration: 030.40 39 49 26-25 or

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