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Family affairs: 6. Anniversary Performance

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Family affairs: 6. Anniversary Performance

Queerdos & Rom*nja feminism

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  • 25_09_1Bild


  • 25_09_2Bild


Join us in celebrating the sixth anniversary of the QUEERDOS Kollektiv with a unique performative composition of inspiring artistic discussions and poetic texts from queer and Rom*nja communities at the Grüner Salon.

In these times of political upheaval—marked by wars and the rise of right-wing parties across Europe—we ask ourselves:

Where does our artistic work stand? What contributions can we, as Queer, Trans*,Rom*nja, and Sinti*zze artists and communities, make? Where are the gaps, and how can we better support each other in our local work?

Central to our gathering is the idea of family—both chosen and biological—as a source of strength and resilience. In this context, family is the community we build through solidarity, shared experiences, and creative expression. As we reflect on these trying times, we explore how our work and activism can serve as a refuge, a space for healing, and a powerful tool for remembrance. How can archival and memory practices transform in response to political changes? And how can we, as artists and a community, shape the future by honouring the past?


September 25, 2024, 20:00 – QUEERDOS ASSEMBLY 7

Language: English

Take part in a captivating discussion on the evolution of artistic work over the past six years with a panel featuring the Rom*nja Theaterkollektiv (active since 2017), the QUEERDOS Kollektiv, and IniRromnja (active since 2009). This discussion will delve into how our communities unite as a family in the face of political adversity, followed by a Q&A session with the audience.

QUEERDOS Assembly is a monthly community gathering for queer, trans*, Rom*nja and BIPOC. We focus on specific topics which are relevant to our community. we invite experts on the topic for a session of mutual sharing, holding, processing, learning . The Assembly is for writers and readers, performers, makers and un-makers but not only. Everyone is welcome as long as they are committed to upholding the queer space as safe as possible !


September 26, 2024, 20:00 – QUEERDOS Anniversary 6 – Family Affairs

Language: English, German

6.anniversary performance (Queerdos Style) , where past and present collaborators of the collective and Rom*nja Theaterkollektiv Berlin come together to share poetry and performances. This evening celebrates chosen family, queer and trans* power, and the resilience of our communities. After the performance, we invite you to a late-summer party to celebrate our freedom, diversity, and collective strength.


In cooperation with Kelipen e.V./Rom*nja Theaterkollektiv Berlin. Funded by the Berlin Senate as part of the “Rom*nja Feminismus in der darstellenden Kunst” series.

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