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Ein Volksbürger

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Ein Volksbürger

A political farce by NICO AND THE NAVIGATORS with Fabian Hinrichs

NICO AND THE NAVIGATORS present the political farce “Ein Volksbürger”, (“A citizen of the people”), a play based on research undertaken by the team behind Verfassungsblog – On Matters Constitutional, led by Maximilian Steinbeis. Starring Fabian Hinrichs, the production premieres on 27 September at the Haus der Bundespressekonferenz (Federal Press Conference). To mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of this association of Berlin journalists, the Federal Press Conference opens its doors to artistic intervention for the first time.

The play shows the swift ascent of a populist minister president in a German free state and the ensuing threat to democracy. Through a series of press conferences, “Ein Volksbürger” describes the career of a political juggernaut. This politician's unilateral actions challenge the federal government and ultimately force a showdown. In the end, only Article 37 of the constitution remains – unprecedented legislation that stipulates drastic measures under the rubric of “federal obligation”.

“Ein Volksbürger” comes to audiences in 2024, an election year that has already witnessed a shift to the right within the European Union, with predictions of dramatic gains for the AfD in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia state elections. Against this backdrop, the play’s experimental design wields enormous political explosiveness. Directed by Nicola Hümpel, the production’s main character is portrayed by Fabian Hinrichs as a charismatic seducer who exploits his charm and intelligence to undermine the political system, and whose dangerous allure forces his opponents to take drastic measures.

Artists/Collaborators: Fabian Hinrichs, Annedore Kleist, Klara Pfeiffer, Stefan Merki, Frederik Schmid, Martin Buczko, Morgane Ferru, Martin Clausen, Matthias Zera, Ted Schmitz, Antonia Mohr, Ekaterina Bazhanova, Patric Schott , Theo Koll (Von und mit), Nicola Hümpel (Künstlerische Leitung), Maximilian Steinbeis (Buch), Andreas Hillger (Dramaturgie), Fabian Hinrichs (Textmitarbeit), Oliver Proske (Raumkonzept, Technische Leitung), Verfassungsblog (Juristische Beratung), Nicola Hümpel, Belinda Masur (Kostüm), Sebastian Reuter (Ton), Torsten Podraza (Licht, Monitortechnik), Talea Nuxoll (Regieassistenz), Sonja Winkler (Bühnenbildassistenz), Nina Ballhause (Kostümassistenz), Leonie Schirra, Franziska K. Huhn, Talea Nuxoll (Produktion), Matan Porat (Keyboard), Paul Hübner (Trompete), Lucas Johnson (Schlagzeug, Synthesizers, Gesang), Sebastian Reuter (Tonaufnahmen, Soundbearbeitung)

A production by Nico and the Navigators, funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and the Capital Cultural Fund. In cooperation with the Bundespressekonferenz e.V., the Münchner Kammerspiele and the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe. Produced by EuroArts on behalf of ZDF, the production will be shown online on ARTE. With the support of Radialsystem.

Media partnerships: The Berliner, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz. die tageszeitung.

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