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Chatbot Challenge: Eine performative KI-Jam-Session

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Chatbot Challenge:


Chatbots are theatre machines: they conduct lively dialogues, slip into different roles, evoke empathy, react instantly in the here and now, and offer amazing illusionary effects, simulations, and hallucinations. In “Chatbot Challenge”, two performers and a creative coder take the stage along with chatbots and other AI tools, exploring the questions: How much theatrical potential does AI have, and how much AI theatre have humans already internalised? The basic situation of theatre – a live performance with an audience – brings about an intimate encounter with global AI systems, their spaces of possibility, and strategies of disguise. The performance chatbot, specially developed by Berlin-based group Interrobang, is given access to video, music, stage, light, and sound. What feedback loops are created in the process? And what happens when artificial theatre intelligence gets out of control?

approx. 90 mins.

Artists/Collaborators: Lea Goebel (Dramaturgie), Anna Krauß (Dramaturgie), Lara Domke (Mitarbeit Dramaturgie), Manus Nijhoff (Creative Coding), Florian Fischer (Creative Coding), Theresa Reiwer (Ausstattung, Video), Alexandre Silveira (Video), Birke van Maartens (Kostüm), Friedrich Greiling (Musik), Jürgen Fehrmann (Grafik), Dirk Lutz (Technische Leitung und Lichtdesign), ehrliche arbeit (Produktionsleitung), Sandra Klöss (Produktionsleitung), Alexandra Lauck (Leitung Kommunikation), Selma Böhmelmann (Social Media), Tina Ebert (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit), Alexandre Silveira (KI-Collage), Interrobang (Konzept), Till Müller-Klug (Stückentwicklung), Christiane Kühl (Stückentwicklung), Nina Tecklenburg und Team Performance Christiane Kühl (Stückentwicklung), Nina Tecklenburg (Stückentwicklung), Künstliche Intelligenzen (Stückentwicklung)

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