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Bébé Symphonique

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Bébé Symphonique

  • Ein buntes Universum aus roten, blauen und gelben Farben und Formen.

    – Ein buntes Universum aus roten, blauen und gelben Farben und Formen.

  • Kosmische Nebel in Rosa und Violett mit Sternen bei »Bébé Symphonique« im Zeiss-Großplanetarium

    – Kosmische Nebel in Rosa und Violett mit Sternen bei »Bébé Symphonique« im Zeiss-Großplanetarium

  • Ein Vater und sein Sohn in seinem Arm gucken sich zusammen den Himmel in der Planetariumskuppel an.

    – Ein Vater und sein Sohn in seinem Arm gucken sich zusammen den Himmel in der Planetariumskuppel an.

With "Bébé Symphonique" parents and their babies and toddlers can immerse themselves in a colorful universe of colors and shapes: the musical pieces composed by Simon Leclerc especially for the youngest children and recorded by the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal accompany the young visitors with carefully selected all-round images of clouds of stardust, colored marbles and magical patterns. The seven instrumental pieces of "Bébé Symphonique" create a world full of musical magic and offer a fascinating sensory journey that promotes the neurological development of young children and strengthens the relationship between parents and children.

You are cordially invited to take a seat in the open space between the stage and the star projector or to lean back in the planetarium chairs. We recommend that you bring a mat or blanket for the open area.

Translated with DeepL

Price info: Free for babies and toddlers from 0 to 3, please select an additional 0-euro ticket for your child during the purchase process.

Price: €12.00

Reduced price: €10.00

Booking: Dates according to the calendar.

Please book via our ticket hotline:

Tel +49 30 421845-10 (Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm | Sat, Sun 10am - 5pm)


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