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Patrick Blenkarn & Milton Lim

Gaming as performance: A herd of unemployed donkeys tries to get their jobs back. Spectators take turns at the controller to lead the herd through a post-industrial society, where asses are mainly valued for their hides. Cheeky, political, and best described as “Animal Farm” meets “Pokemon” meets “Final Fantasy”, “asses.masses” puts the control(ler) in its audience’s hands and asks them to discover the space between the work that defines us and the play that frees us.

approx. 7.5h

Artists/Collaborators: Patrick Blenkarn (Co-Regie, Text, Programmierung, Pixel-Art, 2D-Animation), Milton Lim (Co-Regie, Text, Sounddesign, Video, Shader, visuelle 3D-Effekte), Laurel Green (Dramaturgie, Text, Produktion Touring), David Mesiha (Musik, Sounddesign), Clarissa Picolo (Pixel-Art, 2D-Animation, portugiesische Übersetzung), William Roth (Pixel-Art, 2D-Animation), Ariadne Sage (3D-Umgebungen), Samuel Reinhart (Zusätzliche Programmierung), Birgit Schreyer Duarte (Deutsche Übersetzung)

Duration: Approximately 7,5 hours, with 4 intermissions. Like binge-watching a series, missing sections of the show means that you will miss significant portions of the narrative. Latecomers are allowed but encouraged to get there on time or they will miss the introduction.There will be breaks with food and drinks available for the length of the show. Food is included in the ticket price.The story of “asses.masses” is told through visual text in German language, which is delivered on screen in dialogue boxes that are controlled by the players. There are no voice overs or actors performing the text aloud. “asses.masses” requires that players listen for audio cues, read text from the screen, and use their hand dexterity to operate a game controller. The pace of the game is directly controlled by the player and can change depending on the audiences; this includes how quickly players progress through the text.All performances of “asses.masses” are ‘extra live’ or a relaxed environment, which means that audience members are free to make noises, move around a little more, use devices that help them participate, drink or snack, and just be a human in the space with other humans. The theatre is never completely dark except for one moment of blackout at the beginning of the show.

Alternative events

Liina Magnea: Ssassin’s Creed (Lady says Stop)

Ssassin's Creed (Lady says Stop) explores the depths of human behavior when previously assumed power and social status are disrupted. The piece delves into the complex transformations of those who lose themselves in a victim mentality and succumb to self-referential... moreabout: Liina Magnea: Ssassin’s Creed (Lady says Stop)

Next date:
Ssassin’s Creed (Lady says Stop)
Saturday, 26/October/2024 19:00
Sophiensaele - Hochzeitssaal
Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
from €15.00

Knutschfleck Variete Show Berlin

Das Knutschfleck Varieté und Erlebnisrestaurant Berlin ist die aussergewöhnlichste Show-Attraktion unter dem Berliner Fernsehturm am Alexanderplatz. Jeden Freitag und Samstag öffnet sich die Pforte zu dieser bunten Show Sensation mitten in Berlin. Die... moreabout: Knutschfleck Variete Show Berlin

Saturday, 26/October/2024 19:00 (1 more date)
Panoramastraße 1A, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
from €18.02

Faserland-Boys und Ich - Labern über Männerliteratur

»Can I choose to be superficial and unapproachable?« In her monologue, Fatima Çalışkan is fascinated by the boredom and superficiality of pop-cultural men’s literature from the nineties and finds her feminist answer by babbling. Inspired by Christian... moreabout: Faserland-Boys und Ich - Labern über Männerliteratur

Saturday, 26/October/2024 20:00 (3 more dates)
Ballhaus Ost
Pappelallee 15 A, 10437 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
from €16.95

Night Session I: TIMING

“We tell ourselves stories through good music,” our chief conductor Joana Mallwitz is convinced. And that's why this season there will once again be two Night Sessions, which she has developed with and for the Konzerthaus Berlin. The concerts with the... moreabout: Night Session I: TIMING

Next date:
Night Session mit Joana Mallwitz und dem Konzerthausorchester Berlin
Saturday, 26/October/2024 21:30
Konzerthaus Berlin - Großer Saal
Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
from €32.25

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