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Parole Text:Buch • Opferkunst - Jonathan Guggenberger

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Parole Text:Buch • Opferkunst - Jonathan Guggenberger

Venice in April 2024, International Art Biennale: Irish performance artist Aaron Geldof is hanging on a cross to go up in flames –  a sacrificial death, for the freedom of Palestine. Media and politicians in Germany are quick to identify the real motive for this martyr act: a hatred of Jews. But the cultural journalist Enzo Bamberger, Geldorf’s confidant, believes that the death act was an art performance. As he embarks on a journey into the depths of the art world, he finds himself getting entangled in a thicket of sex, power and manipulation, tracing grey eminences with long fingernails, who are scheming in the shadow. Do they hold the key to the question: Why did Aaron have to die?

Alternative events

Kiezpoeten Slam Show

Die Kiezpoeten Slam Show ist die großartigste Lesebühne, die die Berliner Poetry Slam Szene hervorgebracht hat. Sagen die Kiezpoeten. Einmal im Monat bringen sie zwerchfellzerreißende Comedy und herzzerreißende Poesie meisterlich auf die Bühne des Art... moreabout: Kiezpoeten Slam Show

Wednesday, 18/December/2024 19:30 (1 more date)
Art Stalker
Kaiser-Friedrich-Str.67, 10627 Berlin
from €14.20

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