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Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

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Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

  • Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

    Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

  • Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

    Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

  • Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

    Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

  • Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

    Parole Text:Buch • GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-Epilog - Eine Krautrock-Symphonie von GROSSMUTTER.Berlin

Prior to each one of the three movements of this symphony, sequences from the film KÖNIG LEAR IM HANSEVIERTEL by Regina Schulte am Hülse (1984) will be screened. Matthias Fuchs and Edgar Böhlke are LEAR 1 and 2, Regina Schulte am Hülse is CORDELIA and Uli Lothmann the NARR.

The lyrics were written by actor and singer Regina Schulte am Hülse. The music in the krautrock and Fluxus tradition is a joint production by members of the band GROSSMUTTER.BERLIN. GROSSMUTTER.LEAR-epilogue is based on the life story of Regina’s grandmother, who, like Shakespeare‘s King Lear, made the wrong choices and died miserably, abandoned by his own son.

GROSSMUTTER.BERLIN are Regina Schulte am Hülse/Geena Gross, text, lyrics and violin; Lutz Fahrenkrog-Petersen/Dr.Lutz, producer and bass; Thomas Pflanz/Dr.T, e-wind instruments, conch and percussion; Taylor Savvy, guitar; Daniel Schröteler/Schroet, drums and percussion; Theodor Striese/Tschodor, live mix and DJ. Costumes: Patricia Walczak; screens: Sasa Ziscovic.


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