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Gegenwart erinnern: Eine Nacht der Trauer

Reflexionen über Erinnerung und Verlust • Panels und künstlerische Interventionen in Zusammenarbeit mit CPPD

Remembering the present: A night of mourning. Reflections on memory and loss

On 7 October 2024, the Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) invites you to a special event entitled ‘Remembering the Present: A Night of Mourning’. On the occasion of the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel exactly one year ago, on 7 October 2023, and the subsequent war in Gaza, the event will focus on the complex and ambivalent topic of mourning.

On this night, mourning will be considered in its complexity and multidimensionality, which constitutes its unique tension: as a cultural phenomenon that shapes collective memory, remembrance and identities, and as an individual, profound emotion. The aim of the event is to achieve a common understanding of the complex interrelationships and facets of grief. The focus is on the question of how societies mourn and whether collective mourning can be a unifying force in the face of conflict and polarisation.

The Long Night of Mourning will encourage reflection and discussion through various formats. Panel discussions are planned with experts and members of the CPPD, who will share their insights into the cultural, psychological and social aspects of grief and its impact on society and the individual.

Artistic interventions show further perspectives on dealing with grief in different ways.


With the Night of Mourning, the CPPD also addresses the sensitive issues of mourning and war: Is the right to mourn the same for everyone? How do we address the inequalities in the visibility of grief? What concrete responsibility lies with the many people not directly affected by the discourse on grief and war?

The Night of Mourning aims to facilitate conversations where dialogue seems impossible and thus promote a form of remembrance: a profound confrontation with the violence that shapes societies and whose effects will continue to influence them. The way in which we organise mourning offers a perspective for a time after the war.


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