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Comic-Lesung: „Kinderland“ und Live-Zeichnen mit dem Berliner Comiczeichner Mawil

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Comic reading: ‘Kinderland’ and live drawing with Berlin comic artist Mawil

  • Mawil - Kinderland – Buch "Kinderland" von Comicautoren Mawil

    Mawil - Kinderland – Buch "Kinderland" von Comicautoren Mawil

  • Mawil 2018

    Mawil 2018

East Berlin in the summer of 1989: Mirco Watzke is in trouble. The otherwise exemplary pupil in class 7a is in trouble with the stupid FDJ members, and the only person who can help him is, of all people, this creepy new kid from the parallel class…

Mawil is one of the most accomplished comic authors in Germany. With “Kinderland”, the comic artist presents a book that is as profound as it is fast-paced and entertaining, drawing a vivid picture of the last days of the GDR based on personal memories and meticulous research. In 2014, it was awarded the Max & Moritz Prize for the “best German-language comic”.

After the reading, a joint comic story is created. The audience makes suggestions, Mawil


The event is free of charge (plus museum admission, free admission for children and young people under 18)
Registration not required, limited number of participants
from 8 years

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