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Tour around the Humboldt- Forum Museum

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Tour around the Humboldt- Forum Museum | deSta- Dekoloniale Stadtführung

Explore Berlin's Colonial Past at the Humboldt Forum

Step into a journey of critical reflection and discovery with our exclusive tour at the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. This guided experience uncovers the layers of history behind one of Berlin's most iconic cultural institutions, challenging visitors to see beyond the surface and engage with the complex narratives of colonialism embedded within its walls.

Unveil Hidden Histories

Our tour goes beyond the typical museum visit, offering a decolonial lens on the artifacts, exhibits, and architecture of the Humboldt Forum. Learn about the global histories and colonial legacies that have shaped the museums.

Critical Insights and Thought-Provoking Dialogue

Led by knowledgeable guides who are passionate about history and social justice, this tour invites you to engage in meaningful discussions about the role of museums in preserving and interpreting colonial pasts. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of how history is presented and the importance of questioning whose stories are being told. This is more than a tour – it's an invitation to rethink history and its impact on the present.

Interactive and Inclusive

Our tours are designed to be inclusive and interactive, encouraging participants to ask questions, share thoughts, and engage in dialogue. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a curious traveler, or someone passionate about social change, this tour offers something for everyone.

Runtime: Fri, 13/09/2024 to Fri, 17/07/2026

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