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Raumschiff Erde

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Spaceship Earth


With a countdown, the planetarium spaceship takes off and you hurtle into space. Have you ever seen from space how our earth flies around the sun?

Bild der Erde im Weltall, aus dem Programm "Raumschiff Erde" der Stiftung Planetarium Berlin

– Bild der Erde im Weltall, aus dem Programm "Raumschiff Erde" der Stiftung Planetarium Berlin

You will get to know the sunlit day side of the earth as well as the dark night side with the bright lights of the many cities. The journey continues to the moon, our closest neighbour. We discover its countless craters and large dark spots. At the end it gets really hot once more: We visit the sun, a real star!

Price info: (School classes: 4 € per person, 2 accompanying persons receive free admission)

Price: €9.50

Reduced price: €7.50

Booking: Group booking

Dates according to calendar.Please book via our ticket hotline:Tel +49 30 421845-10 (Mon to Fri 9 am - 5 pm | Sat, Sun 10 am - 5 pm)


Alternative events

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Next date:
Das Märchen von der Zauberflöte
Thursday, 28/November/2024 19:00 (1 more date)
Deutsche Oper Berlin
Bismarckstraße 35, 10627 Berlin-Charlottenburg
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Rotkäppchen - Varia Vineta Berlin

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Next date:
Saturday, 30/November/2024 11:00 (6 more dates)
Varia Vineta (Stadttheater Pankow)
Berliner Straße, 13189 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
from €13.48

Lars, der kleine Eisbär - Planetarium Frankfurt (Oder)

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Next date:
Lars, der kleine Eisbär
Saturday, 30/November/2024 13:00 (1 more date)
Planetarium Frankfurt (Oder)
Mühlenweg, 15232 Frankfurt (Oder)
from €10.07

Benni, das Knuddelmonster | Planetarium Frankfurt/Oder

Was passiert, wenn der Pilot einer Weltraumrakete, die zum Mars starten soll, Bauchweh hat, weil er zu viele Gummibärchen gegessen hat? Ganz klar, dann muss Benni, das Knuddelmonster einspringen. Auf den Flug kommt Benni an der ISS und am Mond vorbei,... moreabout: Benni, das Knuddelmonster | Planetarium Frankfurt/Oder

Next date:
Benni, das Knuddelmonster
Saturday, 30/November/2024 14:30
Planetarium Frankfurt (Oder)
Mühlenweg, 15232 Frankfurt (Oder)
from €10.07

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