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In eigener Regie - Gegrillter Fisch und Süßkartoffeln

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In Our Own Images - Grilled Fish and Sweet Potatoes

Short films by children from Cameroon, Venezuela, Papua New Guinea and Peru

Filmstills "In eigener Regie" – Filmstills "In eigener Regie"

Filmstills "In eigener Regie" – Filmstills "In eigener Regie"

Catching fish and roasting potatoes: Grilled fish tastes good to many children, especially if you have caught it yourself like the children of the Ye'kwana.

They show you how they did it in their film. Children from Papua New Guinea learn how to light a fire from palm leaves and roast sweet potatoes. And children from Cameroon show us how they cook their favourite dish.


Playing with cars, building things, singing, laughing, learning - that's part of everyday life for many children in Berlin. But what about collecting firewood, catching fish or weaving baskets? Children from Cameroon, Papua New Guinea, Venezuela and Peru have learnt how to make films and portray their everyday lives in workshops. They show us how food is made in their home towns, how they play and how local traditions and crafts are practised.

These films can be seen twice a month at the Humboldt Forum - in a children's cinema experience that provides insights into diverse lifestyles. Three short films with a thematic focus are shown each time. A moderator guides the children through the afternoon in a dialogue. The films are not only exciting for children aged 6 and over, but also for their younger and older siblings, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends.

The following partners have realised the films:


DOCUPERU is a non-profit organisation that promotes, distributes and produces documentaries in different formats to support the democratisation of communication and the development of national and international communities. The organisation focuses on human relations and implementation processes to promote participatory and collaborative methodologies aimed at empowering the communities involved in the production of documentary material. Docuperu is committed to a more just, ecologically responsible, democratic and inclusive society in which citizens are actively involved in telling their own story. Docuperu is convinced that proactive action and dialogue-based communication enable new forms of relationships between citizens. Docuperu strives for equitable representation of all urban and rural communities across the communicative and social spectrum.

Back in 2017, when the Humboldt Forum was still under construction, representatives of Docuperu came to Berlin to present some of their short films at an event on the construction site, and in 2019 we were able to accompany their "Caravan Documental" in northern Peru for a week, during which the films for "In eigener Regie" were made. We are impressed by Docuperu's artistic aspirations and, above all, their socio-political endeavours, which make them a valued partner for our work. The films are not shown in the exhibition spaces, as they were only added to the series after the project had been conceived.

The event series is being organised in cooperation with the Ethnological Museum in Berlin.


- The films will be shown in German dubbing.

- Venue: Room 3

- Price: 3,00 EUR /1,50 EUR

- from 6 years

Price: €3.00

Reduced price: €1.50

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