Current language: English

"'Bruderland ist abgebrannt' - The Peaceful Revolution and its consequences for contract workers."

Film screening & discussion with documentary filmmaker Angelika Nguyen and Tamara Hentschel (Reistrommel e.V.)

Mit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung verloren die DDR-Staatsverträge der sogenannten Vertragsarbeiter:innen ihre Gültigkeit. Die meisten Betroffenen verloren ihre Arbeits- und Wohnheimplätze, ihr Aufenthaltsstatus war ungeklärt.

Bildschirmaufnahme aus dem Film "Bruderland ist abgebrannt" von Angelika Nguyen, 1991

Bildschirmaufnahme aus dem Film "Bruderland ist abgebrannt" von Angelika Nguyen, 1991

With German reunification, the GDR state contracts of the so-called contract workers lost their validity. Most of those affected lost their jobs and accommodation and their residence status was unclear. Many accepted the offer of a return bonus of 3,000 DM. Those who stayed were tolerated until their employment contracts expired, but were not allowed to claim any state aid.

The documentary "Bruderland ist abgebrannt" captures the legal and social insecurity among Vietnamese contract workers. In the subsequent discussion with filmmaker Angelika Nguyen and Tamara Hentschel, co-founder of the association Reistrommel e.V., these years of crisis and the subsequent fight for the right to stay will be examined. Moderation: Dr. Margret Kampmeyer-KädingTranslated with DeepL

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