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Wives and Goddesses: Female Figures in Classical Mythology

Classical mythology is a topic that continues to fascinate artists and audiences to this day: more recently, numerous books have been published in which women are given their own voices as mythical protagonists.

  • Atalante im Ringkampf gegen Peleus, Detail, Attisch schwarzfigurige Amphora, 490–480 v. Chr.

    Atalante im Ringkampf gegen Peleus, Detail, Attisch schwarzfigurige Amphora, 490–480 v. Chr.

  • Amazonen im Kampf mit Griechen, Detail, Attisch rotfigurige Pelike, um 400–390 v. Chr.

    Amazonen im Kampf mit Griechen, Detail, Attisch rotfigurige Pelike, um 400–390 v. Chr.

  • Proserpina (Persephone) wird von Pluto (Hades) entführt, Detail, Sarkophag, 3. Jh. n. Chr.

    Proserpina (Persephone) wird von Pluto (Hades) entführt, Detail, Sarkophag, 3. Jh. n. Chr.

  • Medusa, Kameo auf einem Goldring, wohl spätes 2. Jh. v. Chr.

    Medusa, Kameo auf einem Goldring, wohl spätes 2. Jh. v. Chr.

  • Aphrodite, Athena und Hera stellen sich dem Urteil des Paris, Detail, Attisch rotfigurige Trinkschale, 440–430 v. Chr.

    Aphrodite, Athena und Hera stellen sich dem Urteil des Paris, Detail, Attisch rotfigurige Trinkschale, 440–430 v. Chr.

  • Kirke verwandelt einen Gefährten des Odysseus in ein Schwein, Detail, Attische nolanische Amphora, um 440 v. Chr.

    Kirke verwandelt einen Gefährten des Odysseus in ein Schwein, Detail, Attische nolanische Amphora, um 440 v. Chr.

This creates a shift in perspective on stories that emerged in patriarchal societies and reflect the viewpoints of male-dominated traditions. Drawing inspiration from these contemporary discussions about classical gender roles, the Antikensammlung is taking a new look at the goddesses and heroines within its collection.

This special exhibition presents statues, vases and other visual artefacts

In these objects, mythical women function both as social role models, reflective of the social norms of their time, and as counter-images, as figures who radically transgress these norms. The outcome of this approach is a complex picture of women in classical cultures. This is expanded to include a number of contemporary perspectives as well as various aspects from the reception history of the artefacts, which enter into a dialogue with the ancient exhibits. 

Runtime: Fri, 24/05/2024 to Sun, 16/03/2025

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