Current language: English

Santiago Sierra. Der Zeitgeist

n.b.k. Fassade

Santiago Sierra, aus der Serie 126 PHOTOGRAPHS OF TEETH OF MIGRANTS IN TIJUANA, Februar 2019, Tijuana, Mexiko

Santiago Sierra, aus der Serie 126 PHOTOGRAPHS OF TEETH OF MIGRANTS IN TIJUANA, Februar 2019, Tijuana, Mexiko

Santiago Sierra has been photographing rows of teeth since 2008: those of Sinti and Roma in Naples, migrants in Tijuana, refugees from the Middle East, and many more. These works are emblematic of Sierra’s focus on the “re-humanization” of groups dehumanized by the economy, migration, and prejudice. The act of “showing one’s teeth” touches on our most primitive behaviors, representing a visceral act of threat and defense, as the universally understood phrase suggests. Sierra’s project for the n.b.k. facade, titled Der Zeitgeist, reflects a moment of fear and threat, attack and defense, showing strength and concealing fragility. Der Zeitgeist laments the return to a primitive, pre-linguistic stance that equally affects the social behavior of individuals, groups, and state actors.

Runtime: Thu, 12/09/2024 to Sun, 10/11/2024

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