Current language: English

Plain Talk

About the History of the Bode-Museum

For the very first time, the Bode-Museum itself is the focus of an exhibition. The Bode-Museum welcomes around a quarter of a million visitors every year, and its façade is one of Berlin’s most iconic images.

  • Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in der Nacht, Detail, 1930, Fotopostkarte

    Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in der Nacht, Detail, 1930, Fotopostkarte

  • Das Bode-Museum heute

    Das Bode-Museum heute

  • Das zerstörte Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum mit Reiterdenkmal Kaiser Friedrichs III., nach 1945

    Das zerstörte Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum mit Reiterdenkmal Kaiser Friedrichs III., nach 1945

  • Massendemonstration der Berliner Werktätigen, Großkundgebung Unter den Linden zur Konstituierung des neuen Magistrats in der sowjetischen Zone, 30. November 1948

    Massendemonstration der Berliner Werktätigen, Großkundgebung Unter den Linden zur Konstituierung des neuen Magistrats in der sowjetischen Zone, 30. November 1948

  • Die Große Kuppelhalle des Bode-Museums heute

    Die Große Kuppelhalle des Bode-Museums heute

  • Keyvisual zur Ausstellung „Klartext: Zur Geschichte des Bode-Museums“

    Keyvisual zur Ausstellung „Klartext: Zur Geschichte des Bode-Museums“

However, the history of the building and the exhibitions it houses are often less well-known. And yet, the past and present of this building are intricately intertwined with the history of Berlin: just like Berlin, the Bode-Museum has survived the two World Wars, the Nazi era and the division of Germany, and is now confronting the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The special exhibition webpages allow audiences to explore the individual topic areas online. They have a range of material, including the info-sheets on selected works and a chronological overview of the history of the museum.
The exhibition is divided up into four central sections that define the museum:

the collections
the building
the public

A special exhibition of the Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Münzkabinett and Zentralarchiv of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Important restoration and conservation measures as well as art-technological examinations presented in the exhibition were made possible by the generous support of the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung.

Runtime: from November 2020

Price: €10.00

Reduced price: €5.00

Takes place here:

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