Current language: English

Pamela Rosenkranz. Spill Retina

n.b.k. Showroom

Pamela Rosenkranz, Healer Scrolls (Clarity), 2023, in Kirigami-Technik geschnittenes Papier, Spannung, Aquarell, 59,4 × 42 cm (Detail)

Pamela Rosenkranz, Healer Scrolls (Clarity), 2023, in Kirigami-Technik geschnittenes Papier, Spannung, Aquarell, 59,4 × 42 cm (Detail)

Pamela Rosenkranz’s interdisciplinary approach, which incorporates elements from the natural sciences, neurology, art history, literature, and biorobotics, she reflects on the interactions and consequences of an anthropocentric worldview on the entire habitat. Rosenkranz has developed a unique visual language that highlights fluid transitions and blurs the boundaries between culture and nature, humans and animals, humans and machines, and physical and digital realities. For her first institutional solo exhibition in Berlin, the artist will create a new site-specific installation at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.).
Kindly supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Runtime: Thu, 12/09/2024 to Sun, 10/11/2024

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