Current language: English


A festival for the 15th birthday of the Goethe-Institut Angola

Opening: Friday, September 20 at 7 pm

Welcome: Dr. Ralf Hartmann (Artistic Director of the ZAK)

Introduction: Ngoi Salucombo (Program Officer of the Goethe-Institut Angola)


At the opening, Mussunda N'Zombo (Angola) will present a performance in the presence of of the choreographer Madalena Sanda and the artist and curator Jamil Parasol Osmar.


ZAK – EG Projectroom


The Goethe-Institut Angola celebrated its birthday in June/July 2024 with a 6-week international festival in a cinema that had been empty for years.


The Cine São Paulo is one of many iconic buildings in the capital Luanda. A city that is constantly growing and decaying at the same time. The temporary reopening and


transformation of the cinema into a cultural center enabled and promoted a remarkable and multifaceted range of German-Angolan co-productions, debates, film screenings, concerts, comedy and poetry slam shows, semba dance classes, workshops for children, performances, dance, theater, video art - a snapshot of current young Angolan art.


The exhibition in the Citadel shows an excerpt from the festival.


Conception of the festival in Luanda: Julia Schreiner and Ngoi Salucombo

Curator of the exhibition at ZAK: Jamil Parasol Osmar

Production: Goethe-Institut Angola


With the kind support of the district development funds of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.


Due to the Jugglers' Festival from October 3 - 6, only the Commandant's House and the 
the Juliusturm and the Exerzierhalle will be open.

The ZAK - Center for Contemporary Art, Archaeological Window, Zeughaus and the Proviantmagazin are unfortunately closed on these days.

Runtime: Sat, 21/09/2024 to Sun, 05/01/2025

Price info: Free entry for people from the Ukraine.

Price: €4.50

Reduced price: €2.50

Reduced price info: children from 6 to 14 years – students – trainees – persons receiving transfer benefits (ALG II, social assistance, benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act) – persons with severe disabilities from 50% MdE upon presentation of the corresponding ID.


Public Tours in the Citadel Spandau
every 1st Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. in English 
regular tours in German on Saturday and Sunday 
at 2 p.m.

per person 4,50 € for the Tour
on MuseumsSunday free entry!


The latest information from the Spandau Citadel can be found on our  website.

Takes place here:

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