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Performance & Installation by Audrey Chen and Hugo Esquinca

Through their collaborations, Audrey Chen and Hugo Esquinca simultaneously explore the dynamics between a sonorous body, the processing interaction of a system that responds directly to the particularities of its spectra and the relation these two have with a defined space. “YOUR MOUTH LIMB DISMEMBERED, THE GRADUAL TONGUE DISSECTED”, is presented within the framework of “Topographies of Hearing” at MaerzMusik 2024, as a weeklong intervention across four locales, pushing the physical limits of the hyperextended voice through unstable arrangements for signal processing. Working with the phenomena of phantom limb, oral and auditory perceptions, the voice-process interplay is used as a means to reveal the depth and explosive capabilities of the vocal apparatus, creating residual sensations dispersed through the physical spaces, invoking the artifact of memory inherited into musculature.

“Topographies of Hearing” is a series of sound installations, concerts and durational compositions commissioned by MaerzMusik that pose questions about immersive listening encounters and the ways they are experienced beyond concert halls and performance spaces. Inspired by the work of Maryanne Amacher, the festival has invited Audrey Chen, Hugo Esquinca, Christina Kubisch and Jessica Ekomane to create site-specific sound art in the MaerzMusik Library at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele, at the Akademie der Künste, at SAVVY Contemporary and at other locations in Berlin.

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Artists/Collaborators: Audrey Chen, Hugo Esquinca (Mit)

"Topographies of Hearing" is funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

An event of the Berliner Festspiele / MaerzMusik

Media partnerships: Exberliner, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz. die tageszeitung

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