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  • The Twins

    The Twins



  • Wedding


Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) presents INDUSTRY as a guest at the Uferstudios and Uferhallen. This project sheds light on the entire complex of the former main workshops of the Berlin Transport Company (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, BVG) and links the history of the Gesundbrunnen district in the 20th century with current discussions on deindustrialization and the cultural industry. A new work by Karo Akpokiere and a large-scale kinetic piece by Oscar Peters revisit forgotten aspects of Wedding’s history and the former “Boulevard Badstrasse.” The exhibition also provides a platform for artistic interventions by locally based and internationally networked artists.
Uferhallen and Uferstudios form a production hub for contemporary visual and performing arts in the heart of Berlin. This unique environment enables artistic productions and cultural exchange, significantly enhancing Berlin’s status as a leading European cultural metropolis. In the current political landscape, shaped by geopolitical challenges and the growing impact of climate change in Germany, the spectre of deindustrialization has been haunting Germany, conjured by specific interest groups and political stakeholders. Against this backdrop, n.b.k. aims to highlight those sites that reflect Berlin’s industrial past and its rapid development in the early 20th century while offering an indispensable infrastructure for cultural workers.
The crest-shaped sculpture Berlin-Wedding (2024) by Karo Akpokiere (*1981 in Lagos, lives and works in Hamburg), from his series An Alternative History of Symbols and Their Meaning (since 2023), combines heraldic elements from the forgotten Wedding coat of arms with those of the district of Berlin-Mitte and the state of Berlin. In Berlin-Wedding, the usually hidden symbolic force of heraldic imagery becomes manifest in the embrace of the Berlin bear and the winged arrow of the von Weddinghe family. The bear, typically bearing a blue shield with a scepter in the coat of arms of the Mitte district, is now sitting in a pool of blood, covered in scratches while clutching the arrow from the 1950 Wedding coat of arms. The two symbols of bear and arrow, which in the heraldic repertoire usually symbolize vigilance, determination, and strength, remain stationary here. Akpokiere’s work invites reflection on how reinterpreting historical symbolism can reveal current conflicts and offer insights into the past and future of a place.
The centerpiece of INDUSTRY is an expansive work by Oscar Peters (*1981 in Borger / Netherlands, lives and works in Amsterdam), referencing a rollercoaster built in 1924 near the Uferstudios at Badstrasse 8. Using the rollercoaster as a metaphor for the district’s historical ups and downs and linking spatially to the site’s past, The Twins (2024) becomes a stage for artistic contributions. Where one would expect cheering people, sculptures ride the rollercoaster cars. INDUSTRY thus takes a humorous look at the potential futures of cultural and art venues while exploring the neighborhood’s historical roots.
n.b.k. has actively supported the Uferhallen for over 13 years and, together with Uferhallen e.V., has worked to preserve the complex as one of Berlin’s key sites for artistic production. The Uferstudios for contemporary dance, a landmarked site, currently host six partners from Berlin’s independent dance scene, showcasing a wide range of artistic processes and contemporary dance aesthetics to the public.
Discourse Program
Thursday, September 12, 20246.30 pm: Mara Wohnhaas, Rekommandeur, PerformanceVenue: Uferstudios, Uferstraße 23/Badstraße 41
8 pm: Mulay, Lavender, Album Pre-Release ShowVenue: studio db, Uferstr. 8-11
Saturday, September 14, 20242–6 pm: Open StudiosVenue: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8-11
5 pm: Jasmin Schiele, Ufer(h)allen: Architektur als sozial-kulturelle Infrastruktur, LectureVenue: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8-11
6 pm: Lucinda Dayhew, Stop the Ride I’m Getting Off, Performance Venue: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8-11
7 pm: Film ScreeningVenue: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8-11
8 pm: Experimental Music Performances Night: Avi Caspi, Nearat Hametifim, Elektrischer Hund Venue: studio db, Uferstr. 8-11
Sunday, September 15, 202410 am–6 pm: Neighborhood FleamarketOrt: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8–11
2–6 pm: Open StudiosVenue: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8-11
5 pm: Nathaniel Flakin / Revolutionary Berlin, Red Wedding, Neighborhood Walking Tour Venue: Uferhallen, Uferstr. 8-11
Sunday, September 22, 20243 pm: Karo Akpokiere, An Alternative History of Symbols and Their Meaning, Workshop
Find more information on the discourse program here.

Öffnungszeiten Ausstellung: 12.–22. September 2024, Do 12–20 Uhr, Fr–Mi 12–18 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten Open Studios: 14. und 15. September 2024, 14–18 Uhr

A project by n.b.k in cooperation with Uferstudios and Uferhallen e.V. Supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. The Neuer Berliner Kunstverein is supported by the Kriket Foundation. The Neue Berliner Kunstverein n.b.k. gGmbH is supported by the enate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The n.b.k. is a partner of Berlin Art Week 2024.Artists in the exhibition: Karo Akpokiere, Stefan Alber, Bettina Allamoda, Elena Alonso Fernández, Sascha Appelhoff, Ilaria Biotti, Antje Dorn, Brad Downey, Heiner Franzen, Mark Fridvalszki, Lola Göller, Asta Gröting, Mingrui Jiang, Oscar Juul-Sørensen, Peter Klare, Philipp Lachenmann, Justina Los, Jens Pecho, Manfred Peckl, Oscar Peters, Rob Prideaux, Alona Rodeh, Hansjörg Schneider, Bettina Scholz, Gry Tingskog, Tim Winter, Silvia Witte
Open Studios: Elena Alonso Fernández, Tim Anadere, Sascha Appelhoff, Quirin Bäumler, Atelier Biotti / Ferrero / Fuzinato / Irwin / Prati, Antje Blumenstein, Peter Böhnisch, Gauthier Cerf, Peter Dobroschke, Antje Dorn, Steffi Düsterhöft, Heiner Franzen, Matthias Galvez, Wolfgang Ganter, Lena von Goedeke, Harriet Groß, Anne Jungjohann, kennedy+swan, Philipp Lachenmann, Ricard Larsson, David Moses, Rainer Neumeier, Manfred Peckl, Mona Pourebrahim, Isabell Rehm, Hansjörg Schneider, Bettina Scholz, Daniel M Thurau, Ria Wank, Norbert Witzgall, Hamid Yaraghchi, Susanne Zeile
Curators: Marius Babias, Arkadij Koscheew

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