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Group exhibition: brennen glühen flirren

The works that artburst berlin e.V. is showing from October 2 to 6 at the gallery erstererster in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg revolve around the theme of “heat”.

The “Heat” project is designed as a double exhibition: While the focus of the fall exhibition “brennen glühen flirren” is on the causes and manifestations of heat, the second show in spring 2025 will follow on from this and focus on how we deal with heat and its consequences. By juxtaposing artistic works, some of which differ greatly in their essence and appearance, artburst berlin aims to illustrate the different connotations, consequences and levels of meaning of the phenomenon and the term “heat”. The exhibited artists deal with the topic and its diverse associations in a wide variety of ways. With Corinna J. Duschl, Ren Han, Dana László da Costa, Lukas Liese and Minh Kha Le, Artburst berlin is delighted to present five selected positions that illuminate the theme of “heat” from different angles.

The vernissage will take place on 02.10.24 from 7 pm.

Runtime: Wed, 02/10/2024 to Sun, 06/10/2024

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