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Eli Cortiñas: The Machine Monologs

Part I: The Storm

Many of us try to have a positive influence on the world. But how much room for maneuver do we have in the systems that surround and govern us? In the Fotografiska exhibition, video artist Eli Cortiñas explores the role of technology in our lives and offers a critical glimmer of hope in the midst of a crisis of imagination.

Machine Monologs - Part I: e Storm’, 2024, multichannel video installation, video stills (Images used under license from, Eli Cortiñas.

– Machine Monologs - Part I: e Storm’, 2024, multichannel video installation, video stills (Images used under license from, Eli Cortiñas.

In the first part of a series of audiovisual installations, video artist Eli Cortiñas shows humanoid robots, avatars and chatbots conducting monologues about the challenges of our time. We hear their thoughts and concerns. But where do their words come from? Do they come from our shared consciousness, which is inevitably part of their systems? While scientists debate the presence of consciousness in artificial intelligence and robots, Cortiñas asks the question: are they capable of more humanity than humans?

In her work, Cortiñas questions the influence of modern technologies on our behavior and how they reinforce prejudices without providing simple answers. At the same time, Cortiñas speaks to our human ability to share stories and reframe narratives. Using complex montages, humor and fun as tools of resistance and critical reflection, she encourages us to rethink material and virtual reality as the core of our existence and its underlying humanity.

Runtime: Fri, 23/08/2024 to Sun, 01/12/2024

Takes place here:

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