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Elephantine: Island of the Millennia

The Nile Island Elephantine can be experienced through the special exhibition on the Museumsinsel, presented in the James-Simon-Galerie and in the Neues Museum.

  • Grabungskisten aus Elephantine mit Papyri

    Grabungskisten aus Elephantine mit Papyri

  • Demotischer Brief des Persischen Satrapen Pherendates an die Priester des Gottes Chnum von Elephantine wegen möglicher Stellenbesetzungen, Detail

    Demotischer Brief des Persischen Satrapen Pherendates an die Priester des Gottes Chnum von Elephantine wegen möglicher Stellenbesetzungen, Detail

  • Möbelteil bekrönt von einem sitzenden Löwen mit der Kartusche des Aspelta (Detail)

    Möbelteil bekrönt von einem sitzenden Löwen mit der Kartusche des Aspelta (Detail)

  • Opferbecken des Königs Ptolemaios I. für die Göttinnen Satis und Anuket

    Opferbecken des Königs Ptolemaios I. für die Göttinnen Satis und Anuket

  • Hieratisches Dokument über Rechtsstreitigkeiten zu Eigentum und Nachlass (Detail)

    Hieratisches Dokument über Rechtsstreitigkeiten zu Eigentum und Nachlass (Detail)

Elephantine is an island on the Nile River near Egypt’s southern border. This trade and border centre was home to a uniquely diverse, multilingual, multicultural, and multi-religious population. It is the only place in the world where 4,000 years of unbroken cultural history can be traced through written sources.

Thousands of texts can be found on pieces of papyrus or clay shards written in ten different languages and scripts (including hieroglyphics, Aramaic, Coptic and Arabic). Today, they are held in 60 collections in 24 different countries, and have ben deciphered in a major European research project (ERC), before being translated and digitally catalogued.

In this comprehensive, world-first presentation, outstanding objects from Berlin’s collections will be shown alongside highlights from around the world. The diverse content of the texts will be contextualised with reference to archaeological finds and interpreted from a contemporary perspective, giving audiences a unique, first-hand experience of the island of Elephantine on the Museumsinsel Berlin.

Media partners: ARTE, Der Tagesspiegel, and tipBerlin
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal State of Berlin and the Capital Cultural Fund

A special exhibition of the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, in collaboration with the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

Runtime: Fri, 26/04/2024 to Sun, 27/10/2024

Takes place here:

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