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Against the grain - Generation Z in painting

Museum for a summer

Mit Karacho durch die Nacht - Lunita July Dorn

Mit Karacho durch die Nacht - Lunita July Dorn


AGAINST THE STRIKE - Generation Z in painting

Expressive colorfulness, radical subjectivity, rough strokes and impulsive style as well as a humorous approach to artistic role models and pictorial traditions are some of the characteristics of the exhibition 'Against the Grain' planned at Schloss Sacrow. The featured artists from different backgrounds, graduates of art colleges and academies, belong to a generation for whom classifications according to art movements and nationalities, painting schools and styles only play a subordinate role, who move freely between abstraction and figuration.

Generational classifications often seem artificial and have been rightly criticized because they are primarily oriented towards the social situations of Western industrialized countries and neglect the socio-cultural conditions of young people in the global South, for example. However, the generational concept of sociologist Karl Mannheim (1893-1947) has taken on a new relevance with the so-called Generation Z: they are the first to grow up with the internet and have been shaped by it worldwide. The mental worlds of the 'homo digitalis' are becoming more and more similar and are reproducing each other through the increasing use of the same algorithms, cyberspaces, AI and robotics. This development has long since affected and influenced the arts and art theory, where analog art practices and techniques now appear in a new light and painting has become a place of retreat and autonomous self-determination. In this way, we can also understand the exhibited works as evidence of a new resilience and resistance to a world of digital appropriation, whose media the artists playfully use in their research and at the same time refuse in the act of painting.The exhibition is curated by Dr. Dietmar Peikert and Michael M. Thoss

The exhibition is open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m

Admission 8 euros, reduced 5 eurosTranslated with DeepL

Runtime: Sat, 17/08/2024 to Sun, 20/10/2024

Takes place here:

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