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AdeY: Uncensored

Adey’s art lies at the intersection of photography and performance and depicts the naked body in playful formations, in minimalistic rooms and empty landscapes.

Multifaceted, 2016 – Courtesy The Little BlackGallery

Multifaceted, 2016 – Courtesy The Little BlackGallery

With humour and tenderness, AdeY highlights our right to be different in terms of body type, gender, sexuality, religion, and skin colour. The work shows the human body in its most stripped-down, naked form, but strives to create non-sexualized and non-judgmental images based on the ideal of acceptance. Nobody really knows who AdeY is.

The British-Swedish artist’s real name, age and place of residence are still unknown. AdeY left a career as a professional dancer, something evident in his photographs, which combine choreography, performance and photography. He has published a series of poetic photobooks and zines and has exhibited in several of the world’s best-known galleries and museums, including in London, New York, Los Angeles, Helsinki, and Stockholm.The images in the exhibit are playful and experimental, with bodies often depicted in choreographed poses or formations. The viewer is given the right to interpret the images, an important part of AdeY’s artistry.

Runtime: Fri, 13/09/2024 to Sat, 30/11/2024

Takes place here:

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