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Wir bauen einen Mars-Rover

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We build a Mars rover

  • Mars-Rover


  • Marsrover sammelt Daten auf der Marsoberfläche.

    – Marsrover sammelt Daten auf der Marsoberfläche.

What is a rover, what are its tasks and how does it work? The best way to find out is to build one yourself! Using LEGO building blocks, we will construct a Mars rover together and test its driving ability in the subsequent race on the Mars-like test track. Inspired by real space missions, you will find out how the robot-like exploration vehicles are constructed and gain a playful insight into the world of space travel and science. Rovers are remote-controlled robots that are used on celestial bodies such as Mars to carry out scientific investigations and explorations. They help us to learn more about places where we cannot go ourselves and are therefore extremely important for space exploration. Accompanying persons are welcome to attend the workshop.

Which vehicle will win the race? Grab your building blocks and show us what you can do!

Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Amateur Astronomy" Exhibition Room

Price: €9.50

Reduced price: €7.50

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