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Wasser Klima Stadt

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Water Climate City

Guided tour and discussion

The man-made climate crisis is having a drastic impact on life in the city. Cities must prepare for extreme heat, flooding and water shortages.

All of these dangers are linked to soil sealing. Water that is not absorbed into the ground cannot be stored by it; areas covered in concrete increase the air temperature.

What will cities of the future need to ensure water supply, cooling and a vibrant urban environment? What urban planning approaches exist to make the city more climate-resilient? And what is the relationship between the city and the surrounding area?

These questions will be discussed by the director of the Werkbundarchiv Florentine Nadolni with Elke Plate, member of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional group of the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V. and Tim Edler, project author of Fluss Bad Berlin.

Prior to the discussion, there will be a guided walk by Tim Edler through the Fluss Bad Berlin project area at 5:30 pm (meeting point Fluss Bad Garten!).

The Fluss Bad Berlin initiative arose from the impulse to reactivate the largely disused Spree Canal as a free public space for everyone, to raise awareness of the importance of clean water in the city and to make swimming in the Spree Canal possible.

During the tour, the background and objectives of the urban development project will be explained as well as the planned measures on site.

This event is sponsored by the Capital City Cultural Fund.

Meeting point: Fluss Bad Garten, Sperlingsgasse 1, 10178 Berlin

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