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Utopia 2124 . The future through the lens of the future

A Teens Workshop by C/O Berlin x IFA (Workshop 2)

Utopia 2124 is a workshop that invites participants to use digital cameras to photographically record the things, people and places they would like to symbolically take with them into the future and change. This photographic recording of the now serves as a basis for using artificial intelligence (AI) to shape personal and collective visions for the year 2124.
The workshop offers the opportunity to link the present and future possibilities and to discover new creative forms of expression with the help of current technology.

At the beginning of the workshop, participants will receive an introduction to the basics of digital photography as well as a short training in the latest AI-supported image editing technologies. They are invited to look for motifs in their immediate surroundings that could have a personal or social significance for the future. Captured in photographs, the motifs serve as a starting point for the subsequent creative work with AI tools that make it possible to visualize and interpret futuristic scenarios.

The workshop is particularly aimed at young people who are intensively involved in shaping their future. By combining photography and AI, Utopia 2124 enables participants to express their own visions and hopes for the year 2124. This process not only encourages creative exploration of possible futures, but also critical thinking about the role of technology in our lives.
Following the workshop, two outstanding works will be selected by a jury and announced on August 8. As a prize, the winners will receive two tickets to the IFA and the unique opportunity to present their self-designed visions of the future in a large poster campaign in Berlin's urban space in the run-up to the IFA and on the exhibition grounds during the IFA, which takes place in Berlin from September 6-10, 2024. There will be an official award ceremony in the IFA summer garden.

Julia Albrecht is a conceptual photographic artist whose work deeply explores the psychological and cultural aspects of depression and trauma, with a focus on gender dynamics and binary relationships. Her approaches in photography and beyond aim to explore and visualize the complex emotional impact of these issues. After studying Media Art and Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar, she deepened her expertise through a Master's degree in Fine Art Photography at the Royal College of Art in London and international study experiences at TAMK University in Tampere, Finland, and Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Moritz Wehrmann is a media artist and artistic assistant at the Bauhaus University Weimar. His artistic work is located at the interface of art and science. He is particularly interested in the possibilities and critical aspects of artificial intelligence as well as the analog and digital forms of human and machine addition to the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung at the Humboldt University in Berlin, he worked at the International College for Cultural Technology Research and Media Philosophy (IKKM). His works have been exhibited at the Ars Electronica in Linz and Tokyo, the Gropius Bau in Berlin, the Bauhaus Foundation Dessau and the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden, among others.Translated with DeepL

Booking: until July 7 only via the online form.

Participants will be selected at random.


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