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Unterm Blätterdach

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Unterm Blätterdach

Baumschule Kulturforum

Baumschule Kulturforum

Starting from the "Kulturforum tree nursery", you will explore the plants and nature outside and in the museum independently with educational impulses. You choose whether to go to the Kulturforum, the Neue Nationalgalerie or the Matthäuskirche. You will then design your model for a green piazzetta using fallen leaves and branches, stones, tape, crepe paper, wire and other craft materials.
Participation free of charge. You can join at any time. No registration required.

The offer is part of the event program of the "Baumschule Kulturforum", a project of the St. Matthäus Stiftung in cooperation with the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. The project is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cooperation and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Baumschule Kulturforum

Price info: 0 €

Price: €0.00

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Friday, 10/January/2025 19:30
Urania Berlin - Kleist-Saal
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Next date:
Innsbrucker Platz & Eisacktunnel - Eisachtunnel - Ein Relikt der modernen Verkehrsplanung
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U-Bhf. Innsbrucker Platz
Innsbrucker Platz, 10825 Berlin-Schöneberg
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Klostermuseum im Kreuzgang

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Next date:
Sonderführung Klostermuseum
Saturday, 11/January/2025 13:00 (11 more dates)
Kloster Neuzelle
Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle
from €7.00

Interaktive Kinderführung: „Rein ins Gemälde! Eine Zeitreise für Kinder”

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Deutsches Historisches Museum
Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

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