Current language: English

The Revolution is Female

The role of women in the 1848 revolution

Louise Aston, Revolutionärin und Vorkämpferin der Frauenbewegung

Louise Aston, Revolutionärin und Vorkämpferin der Frauenbewegung

In the revolution of 1848, women participated actively and passively to bring about change in society. What means did women have to get involved? Did they stand at the barricades? What opportunities were there for them to make their voices heard? And what do they still have to say to us today? We want to explore this diversity of women's political participation at the Cemetery of the March Fallen. Come along and get to know important pioneers of the women's movement and learn more about their struggles.

Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Cemetery of the March Fallen

Price info: All our guided tours are free of charge!


We are happy to receive donations to the Paul Singer Association

Booking: Registrations to:

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