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Die Orangerie mit dem Palmensaal im Neuen Garten

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The Orangery with the Palm Hall in the New Garden

Special guided tour with garden master Sabine Sawade and palace employee Tina Czeninga, both SPSG

Neuer Garten, Orangerie, Blick auf das Ägyptische Portal mit der Sphinx

Neuer Garten, Orangerie, Blick auf das Ägyptische Portal mit der Sphinx

Hundreds of palm, agave, laurel and orange trees adorn Prussian parks in summer. They spend the winter well protected in the orangeries, which were built by the Prussian kings for this purpose. One of these is the orangery in the New Garden, which was commissioned by King Frederick William II. The architect Carl Gotthard Langhans designed the representative orangery building, which was not only used to store special plants, but also had a central concert hall, the Palmensaal. The Prussian King Frederick William II used the hall for small concerts, which he gave together with a chamber orchestra, playing the cello himself. The guided tour of the Orangery provides information about the special plants that overwinter here and also invites you to visit the Palm Hall.Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Entrance Marble Palace

Price: €10.00

Reduced price: €8.00

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