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Plötzlich Frei? Politisch Inhaftierte und der Mauerfall

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Suddenly free? Political prisoners and the fall of the Wall

Conversation with contemporary witnesses

While more and more people demonstrated on the streets in the fall of 1989, resistance also grew among those who had been politically imprisoned, and with it the pressure on the GDR government. Two amnesties in October and December 1989 saw them gradually released. However, when the Berlin Wall came down on November 9, 1989, countless people streamed through the now open border crossings of the GDR, some of the political prisoners were still in jail.

What was the situation like in East German prisons at the time? What did the prisoners learn from the upheavals outside? At the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial, contemporary witnesses talk about what the fall of the Wall meant to them and what happened afterwards. What happened to the GDR prisons after the end of the GDR?

Manfred Haferburg, released from the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen remand prison on November 1, 1989

Birgit Schlicke, imprisoned in Hoheneck on November 9, 1989 and released 8 days later

Moderation: Isabel Fannrich (freelance journalist)

In cooperation with the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen MemorialTranslated with DeepL

Meeting point: Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial, Genslerstraße 66 , 13055 Berlin

Booking: Please register at

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