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Studio 9. Der Tag mit Marina Weisband. Deutschlandfunk Kultur – live aus dem Humboldt Forum

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Studio 9. The Day with Marina Weisband. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum

Marina Weisband – Marina Weisband

Marina Weisband – Marina Weisband

For a pretzel, for a word. Deutschlandfunk Kultur invites you to the live radio show from the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Be there when we welcome a prominent guest from culture, science, media or politics to the Mechanical Arena. Have an engaging conversation together about the issues of our time. Chat, argue or think out loud together.

Here you can experience radio up close, to watch and also to join in the discussion. An engaging conversation about the issues of the day, broadcast throughout the republic, made in the new old centre of Berlin, in the rebuilt City Palace.

Marina Weisband is a publicist, qualified psychologist and participation educator. The publicist, who grew up in Kiev and later emigrated to Germany, now works for the aula project on student participation. During the Pirate Party’s successful phase, Weisband was one of the party’s best-known faces, later switching to Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. Since leaving active politics, her topics have continued to be political participation, digital society, media and crises.

- free of charge

- from 11.50 a.m. to 1 p.m. (start of live broadcast at 12.05 p.m.) 

- German

- Mechanical Arena in the Foyer

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