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Geschichtentheater. Vom Traum zum echten Abenteuer - Die große Reise des Alexander von Humboldt

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Story theatre. From a dream to a real adventure - Alexander von Humboldt’s great journey

Geschichtentheater. Vom Traum zum echten Abenteuer - Die große Reise des Alexander von Humboldt – Geschichtentheater

Geschichtentheater. Vom Traum zum echten Abenteuer - Die große Reise des Alexander von Humboldt – Geschichtentheater

Little Alexander wants to discover the whole world. When he grows up, he travels to South America with his friend Aimé Bonpland. They encounter wild animals and are intoxicated by the magnificence of the flora. They clamber through dark caves and climb volcanoes. They look, measure, write, draw and their fame reaches round the world. The storytellers Christine Lander and Johanna Wollin invite you to join them on the wings of your imagination as they retrace the adventures of these two explorers. The tales will be told in Spanish and German.

Christine Lander has been telling stories on stage since 2007. Along with her varied solo programme, she also tells stories in a bilingual duo or with musicians. She has been a member of the Theater Anu ensemble since 2014. She studied the teaching of Theatre at the Berlin University of the Arts (MA 2006) and History and South Asian Studies at the HU Berlin (MA 2004). She was co-manager of Erzählbühne Berlin from 2012 to 2016 and has been chairperson of Erzählkunst e.V. since 2018. She teaches free storytelling at the UdK Berlin at the Staatsschauspiel Hannover. She has been a part of the ErzählZeit project in Berlin schools since 2008.

- 3 EUR, red. 1,50 EUR

- Book your ticket in advance online or at the box office in the Foyer.

- The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüter Courtyard next to the Sculpture Hall.

- Duration: 30 min

- German, Spanish

- Accessible for wheelchairs

- Ground Floor, Schlüter Courtyard

Our tip: Find good stories in good books, visit the shop at the Humboldt Forum, online now too!

Price: €3.00

Reduced price: €1.50

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