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Geschichtentheater: Vom Wasser, das zu singen aufhörte

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Story Theatre: About the water that stopped singing

A powerful story about playing rulers and the winning drought

Wüstenlandschaft – Wüstenlandschaft

Wüstenlandschaft – Wüstenlandschaft

The mighty ruler Unzey lives on the highest mountain on earth. Most of the time he is alone and bored. Playing helps against boredom. Unzey loves to do that. His playmate named “Dürre” exploits this mercilessly: After the two have first played for the stars, the drought demands the earth’s water sources as a stake. The drought wins again and again and the earth becomes drier and drier. Unzey, however, in his gambling addiction, has no idea what he is doing to the earth.

On earth, a little frog takes responsibility and leads the animals to Unzey to ask him to finally stop gambling. When Unzey realises what he has done, he is ashamed and crestfallen. That’s when the frog had the saving idea!

Who is actually the most dangerous in this story? The drought and the ruler Unzey? Both think only of themselves in their actions!

Cecilia dos Santos de Brito and Anna Dieterich tell a story about power, politics and Fridays for Furture in Portuguese and German.

Anna Dieterich studied acting in Vienna and speech science in Halle an der Saale. She is a founding member of the Agentur für Anerkennung and regularly conceives and realises projects with this collective at the Theater unterm Dach in Berlin. She also teaches speech training at the UdK, Berlin. She was trained as a storyteller from 2018-2020 at the UdK in the certificate course “Storytelling in Art and Education”. In her storytelling projects, she pays special attention to linking traditional material with the current political and social situation.

Anna Dieterich studied acting in Vienna and speech science in Halle an der Saale. She is a founding member of the Agentur für Anerkennung and regularly conceives and realises projects with this collective at the Theater unterm Dach in Berlin. She also teaches speech training at the UdK, Berlin. She was trained as a storyteller from 2018-2020 at the UdK in the certificate course “Storytelling in Art and Education”. In her storytelling projects, she pays special attention to linking traditional material with the current political and social situation.

- 3,00 EUR, reduced 1,50 EUR

- Book your ticket in advance online or at the box office in the Foyer.

- Ticket bookings for the coming month are activated at the end of the previous month.

- The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüter Courtyard next to the Sculpture Hall. Duration: 30 min

- Doors open: 15 minutes before start

- Language: German

- Ground Floor, Hall 3

Price: €3.00

Reduced price: €1.50

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