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Sonic Pluriverse Festival: Artist Talk: Aziza Brahim

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Sonic Pluriverse Festival: Artist Talk: Aziza Brahim

Aziza Brahim

Aziza Brahim’s life has been heavily shaped by the displacement and political oppression that ensued after Morocco’s 1975 invasion of Western Sahara. Brahim sought refuge in Cuba as a young teenager, where she discovered her passion for songwriting, later moving to Barcelona, where she is based today.

Her music is a powerful and nuanced blend of various musical cultures, incorporating elements from West African, Iberian, Mediterranean, and Afro-Cuban traditions. Drawing from her Sahrawi heritage, she often infuses her compositions with the hypnotic sounds of haul, serving as a means of cultural expression and identity affirmation. As a songwriter, singer, and instrumentalist, Brahim is a prominent and articulate spokesperson for the Sahrawi people and their ongoing struggle for recognition and justice.

Mawja (2023), her fifth studio album, resonates deeply with her roots. ‘Mawja was the word my grandparents said when they tuned on the old portable radio we had in the house’; says Brahim. In her work, the journey through origins, memories, displacement, injustices, and resistance are all elements that, through poetry and music, are catalysed.

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