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Reading & talk: Insect whispers - about the hidden life on six legs by Dominique Zimmermann

Buchcover von Insektengeflüster

Buchcover von Insektengeflüster

This book is a declaration of love to all six-legged creatures and a manifesto for perceiving insects as living beings, protecting their habitats and preserving the planet's biodiversity as best we can. There is only one world for all living creatures: Let's preserve it!

On December 10, Dominique Zimmermann will present her book "Insektengeflüster - über das verborgene Leben auf sechs Beinen" in conversation with Michael Ohl and take us on a fantastic journey through this world, which is populated by trouser bees, compass termites, golden wasps and many other insects. She shows us the vital tasks they perform and the crucial importance they have for our ecosystem.Translated with DeepL

Booking: Registration via Eventbrite.


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