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Überblicksführung in leichter Sprache

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Overview guide in easy language


The guided tour in easy language is aimed at people with cognitive impairments, reading and learning difficulties or a basic level of education.

During the tour, participants discover Bernauer Strasse and its history(ies) together. The guide responds to the individual needs of the participants and also works with sensory tools such as sound, scent and hands-on objects. Participants are encouraged to make the historical site their own through their actions. They can measure the former border strip, smell what it smelled like in an escape tunnel, listen to stories from contemporary witnesses or even feel a tile from the blown-up Church of Reconciliation. This gives participants access to the history of the Berlin Wall.

Meeting point: Visitor Center, Bernauer Str. 119, 13355 Berlin

Alternative events

Schäferstündchen mit Karsten Speck

Einem Millionenpublikum wurde Karsten Speck durch die TV-Show „Ein Kessel Buntes“ in den 90er Jahren bekannt und machte sich als Moderator einen Namen. Seit 1997 widmet er sich auch wieder mehr dem Schauspielerberuf. Er wirkte in über 90 TV- und Filmproduktionen... moreabout: Schäferstündchen mit Karsten Speck

Friday, 12/December/2025 19:00
Brunnenstraße 9, 16225 Eberswalde
from €15.00

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