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Open Air Video Art & Artist Talk with Jonas Weber Herrera

Foto: Blick von schräg oben auf ein Open Air-Screening auf dem Vorplatz der Berlinischen Galerie. Viele Menschen sitzen auf Liegestühlen vor einer großen Leinwand.

– Foto: Blick von schräg oben auf ein Open Air-Screening auf dem Vorplatz der Berlinischen Galerie. Viele Menschen sitzen auf Liegestühlen vor einer großen Leinwand.

Jung und Artig, the young fan club of the Berlinische Galerie, is showing contemporary video works by Jonas Weber Herrera together with the museum and the "Mobile Kino" open air. There will also be an artist talk between the artist and Thomas Köhler, director of the Berlinische Galerie. Beforehand, we invite you to enjoy drinks, popcorn and music on the museum terrace.

Jonas Weber Herrera (*1978) works in various media and materials on the construction, shaping and conditioning of bodies as well as on the political history of Colombia. In his essayistic video works, he often draws on found visual material in order to charge it with certain meanings through montage - like concepts - and thus articulate a thought or criticism.

The work Vacío (Void) (2023, 25 min.) addresses the disappearance of opposition figures, a widespread practice of state terror in Latin America, along two important soccer matches in Colombia. "Torso As A Principle" (2018, 15 min.) examines how the media of film and video produce, implement or undermine historical notions of physical completeness.

Jonas Weber Herrera studied media art and completed his doctorate in fine arts at the Bauhaus University Weimar. His works have been shown at film festivals (KunstFilmBiennale Köln, Kasseler Dokfest, Antimatter Media Art) and in exhibitions at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Akademie der Künste, Flux Factory, New York, Centre George Pompidou, Paris and Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid.

19:30 - Admission, Music & Drinks21:00 - Artist Talk: Jonas Weber Herrera and Thomas Köhler, Director Berlinische Galerie21:30 - Video Art Screening: "Vacío (Void)" (2023, 25 min.) and "Torso As A Principle" (2018, 15 min.)Location: Museumsterrasse, Berlinische Galerie, Alte Jakobstraße 124 - 128, 10969 Berlin

An event as part of the Football Culture Summer Berlin 2024 in cooperation with Kulturprojekte Berlin.Translated with DeepL

Booking: Without registration

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