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Unterwegs: Kanada – Durch Weite und Wildnis in 360 Grad

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On the road: Canada - Through vastness and wilderness in 360 degrees

A visually stunning live adventure trip with Achill & Aaron Moser

Zwei Wanderer stehen am steinigen Strand eines glassklaren Sees. Im Hintergrund ist ein Gebirge.

– Zwei Wanderer stehen am steinigen Strand eines glassklaren Sees. Im Hintergrund ist ein Gebirge.

Photographers and authors Achill and Aaron Moser, who have been undertaking adventurous expeditions around the world for years, report on their month-long journey through Canada with impressive photographs and film footage. On foot, in kayaks and by off-road vehicle, the journey takes them from the rugged Atlantic coasts to the majestic mountain ranges of the Rocky Mountains - and on to the Pacific. The father and son duo experience the country's magnificent nature. Together they meet trappers, members of the First Nations and emigrants - and visit the vibrant cities of Québec, Montréal, Calgary and Vancouver.

In the far north of Canada, the nature photographers are dropped off by helicopter. In Nunavik, the land of the Inuit, they document one of the last great wildernesses on our planet - a region threatened by the mining of ore deposits and the construction of dams. Left to their own devices, father and son experience the dangers of wild nature, which pushes them to their limits: raging rapids, storms, forest fires and thunderstorms. Time and again they encounter wolves, black bears, musk oxen, caribou and bald eagles. In a country where vastness and wilderness become unforgettable experiences, enormous efforts and fears, but also joie de vivre and intense togetherness, lead to unforgettable adventures.

Join us on a unique and emotional journey of discovery that provides deep insights into the magnificent nature of our planet - and makes one thing clear: "We need nature not only as an economic factor - we need nature above all for our souls!".Translated with DeepL

Price: €18.00

Reduced price: €13.00

Booking: Dates according to calendar.

Please book via our ticket hotline:

Tel +49 30 421845-10 (Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm | Sat, Sun 10am - 5pm)


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