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Geheimnisvolles Funkeln: Der Grottensaal im Neuen Palais

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Mysterious sparkle: The Grotto Hall in the New Palace

Guided tour with palace employee Ina Penny, SPSG

Grottensaal im Neuen Palais

Grottensaal im Neuen Palais

Visitors to the New Palace are greeted by a veritable treasure trove when they enter the Grotto Hall. The Garden Hall with its extraordinary room decoration is unique. More than 23,000 minerals, gemstones and fossils from all over the world can be found in its colorful wall surfaces and pillars. The special room design and masterful wall decorations are the subject of this special tour. Individual minerals and their eventful history are presented in more detail.

In order to get to know the Grotto Hall as a complete work of art, the usual guided tour is abandoned. The otherwise closed-off areas of the hall can be entered.Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Visitor Center Neues Palais

Price: €12.00

Reduced price: €10.00

Booking: Tickets: / Bookable from April

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